Daily Health Tips
Cumin (Jeera) Water: 5 Reasons Why You Must Drink It Daily!
Cumin, or jeera, has been hitting the hot oil in almost every Indian’s cooking vessel. But, do you know that it holds more benefits than just adding flavor to your food? When consumed with water, daily on an empty stomach, it works as a natural remedy to solve a host ... Read More
Can a Smile Help You to Lower Your Blood Pressure?
A smiling face is an integral part of a pleasant personality. Smile is believed to improve your physical and mental well-being! But, does it also help lower the blood pressure? Let us examine here!Smile releases "happy chemicals" in the body A journal published by the ... Read More
Truth or Myth: Size of Your Brain Determines Your Intelligence!
It is a common belief that people who are more clever and intelligent have larger brains. But when it comes to intelligence, does the size of the brain really matter?Intelligence is a person's ability to solve problems occurring in their natural and social environment t... Read More
Truth or Myth: Babies Who Talk Early or Walk Early Are Brighter !
Parents often talk proudly about their baby’s early talking skills or walking ability. It is also natural to think that mastering these skills at an early age indicates that the baby is smarter than his or her peers. But is intelligence really linked with early walkin... Read More
4 Amazing Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Your Baby!
Stories that start with 'Once Upon a Time' and that ends with 'Happily ever after' consciously or sub-consciously have influenced each one of us while growing up. Most of us learned many moral lessons and basic humanity through these stories that are filled with dragons... Read More
Follow These 5 Steps to Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer Disease (AD) is a condition that irreversibly slows down an individual's memory and thinking and reasoning skills. As the AD progresses, one’s ability to speak and communicate also start diminishing. Fortunately, promising researches from all across the glob... Read More
Truth or Myth: Does Eating Eggs Raises the Cholesterol Level
Eggs are at the center of a “To Eat or Not to Eat” discussion because of their cholesterol content. But, do they really play a culprit in raising your blood cholesterol level? Or it is just a myth?Here’s the Fact!... Read More
Truth or Myth: Sitting Too Close to the TV Will Weaken Your Vision
Perhaps all of us can recall being warned by our parents that watching TV from too close a distance can damage our eyesight. But do you think this belief, which still abounds about the eye care, is really true? Can sitting too close to the television really weaken our v... Read More
Truth or Myth: Teething in Children Can Cause Fever!
From recurring fever, rashes, diarrhea, and what not, there are a number of problems linked to the teething of your baby! The list of these common beliefs may even outnumber the count of teeth your baby has! But, can teething be blamed for the rise in body’s temperatu... Read More
Truth or Myth: Eating Pineapples During Pregnancy Will Cause Miscarriage !
When you are pregnant, you may hear many advices coming from your friends, family members, even strangers telling you what to eat and what not to eat! Though some of these warnings given are helpful, others may be just a wrong information.One of the most common advices ... Read More
5 Simple Steps Towards Self-Care You Need To Practice Today!
Self-care, as the name suggests, is taking care of one’s body and mind. The concept of self-care is fast changing from being that of ‘feel-good’ to what is actually good for your well-being. In a way, self-care can also be termed as self-discipline which requires ... Read More
6 Reasons Why You Should Reduce Refine Wheat Consumption
Wheat is one of the most versatile grains present in almost everything we eat. But did you know that the extracted, refined version of this grain, which is typically available in today’s market, has lost almost all its nutritious aspect thus becoming more harmful? Yes... Read More